Kindergarten registration will begin on January 20, 2025. In order for your child to be eligible for the 2025-2026 kindergarten program, they must be 5 years old on, or before, December 31, 2025.
- You will need to attach the following documentation to register your child/children at Lethbridge Christian School.
- Birth Certificate, Passport or other legal documentation with your child's birth date. If you do not have a birth certificate at time of registration please complete the Birth Certificate Letter of Intent and attach it to the registration package.
Lethbridge Christian School requires registration with both the school and the Lethbridge Christian School Society. Both must be completed to finalize your kindergarten placement. Please note the steps below.
1) Kindergarten registration will be completed online, using SchoolEngage. A direct link the to 2025-2026 is available here, 2025-2026 registration form
A Parent User Guide to School Engage can be found here. Please follow the steps in the SchoolEngage User guide to register. Please click here to begin, SchoolEngage Registration.
- If you are BRAND NEW to the school division, please create an account to register.
- **If you already have a PowerSchool account created for any student, please sign in with PowerSchool and follow the Existing Parent Sign-In beginning on page 7 in the SchoolEngage Parent User Guide.
2) Please proceed to the LCS Society website to complete further required registration details with the LCS society.
Registration will be considered final when all the above has been completed.
Please indicate your date preference (M/W or T/Th) in the event that we are able to offer two kindergarten programs. Please note that Tuesday/Thursday classes will be the set schedule with one kindergarten program, this will also include some Friday's throughout the year.
Email or call 403-320-0677 with any questions.