Miss Katie Brooks

Elementary - Grade 1 Teacher
I am so honoured to be a part of our Lethbridge Christian School family! This year I will continue to teach Grade 1 and I am so excited to spend the days learning alongside my students. I love teaching here at LCS for many reasons but my top 3 would be:
1) our amazing families- thank you for all of your love and support to our school community
2) our students who show up every day ready to learn, grow and lead
3)getting to share my faith with our students as we pray, learn scripture and worship together
In my free time I love to spend time with my roommates, my niece and friends, drinking coffee and reading. My favourite food is tacos and I love the colour purple!
I always get a bit apprehensive sharing my favourite verse from scripture. It is from John 11:35- “Jesus Wept.” Now, this isn’t my favourite verse because it is the shortest one in the Bible, although that makes it very easy to memorize. It is my favourite because it paints a beautiful picture of how God was human and how He was like ME!! How He walked the earth and felt all of the joys and heartaches that we too feel as humans. And even though He knew the outcome, that His friend would rise up, Jesus took a moment to feel the weight of grief. So when things are heavy or weary or joyful, I know that God knows how I feel!
I am looking forward to our year together!
For some of our Online Learning resources, check out our class page here.