Posted on September 12 2024SCHOOL SWAG IS HERE...but not for long! Please order online starting now through Sept 20! There are youth and adult sized t-shirts, long-sleeved shirts, crewnecks and hoodies, and toques! There are…
Hot lunches are now available to purchase through School Cash Online. Beginning in October, we will be offering a rotation of Boston Pizza, Little Caesar's Pizza, Mary Brown's Chicken & Taters, and Subway.…
Here is a one-page calendar for the 2024/25 school year.
Families, you can purchase the school supplies listed below directly from School Start (our official school supply company for your convenience ), or you may utilize the same list to purchase your supplies…
Kindergarten Registration begins on January 22, 2024 across the division. We encourage all families interested in registering for Kindergarten to begin that process early in the new year. Early registration…
We invite all of our families to join us for chapel each Monday morning and Friday morning from 8:30-9:00 am. It is wonderful to see parents join us for this each week. If you haven't popped in yet, please…
Our annual fundraiser with poinsettias is running from Nov 1-17. Both red and white poinsettias are available for $17 each and available on School Cash. Money raised from this fundraiser goes to supporting…
Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year will be during the week of September 5-8. We will be notifying parents by email as to which day during that week will be their time/date to come to their first…
We would like to welcome all of our students at LCS in Grades 1-8 to the 2023-2024 with an Open House on Tuesday, September 5 from 9:30-2:30 to drop off all school supplies, pop in to see their classrooms,…
On Wednesday, June 28, we will be having our assembly at awards promptly at 9 am. After the awards and last assembly, we will be saying good-bye to our students for the 2022-2023 school year! Bussing…
Join us for some of our upcoming events at LCS, including Welcome to Kindergarten, Welcome to Grade 6, our Parent Engagement Night with Phil Hills, Sports Day, and our Band Concert!
The ACSI Executive Director of Western Canada, Phil Hills will be at our school on Monday, May 15 at 6:30 pm to present on the topic of social media and its impact on children. We will explore strategies…
This year, our LCS Sports Day will be on Thursday, May 25 in the afternoon, weather permitting. More information to come and an alternate date for the event will be provided if necessary. Parents welcome…
We are hosting a meeting for families of students entering Grade 6 in the fall. Those students registered at Lethbridge Christian School attending Grade 6 for the 2023-2024 school year are invited to…
LCS Musical Arts will be doing a BEEF JERKY fundraiser with Ben's Beef Jerky to offset costs of an upcoming spring middle school band trip to Three Hills. We will be also raising funds with this fundraiser…
On Thursday, April 6th, we will be having our "Friday" chapel to celebrate Easter. We invite parents and families to join us at 8:30 am in the gym on Thursday, April 6th for a time to pause and recognize…
On April 5, LCS will be marking GREEN SHIRT DAY in honour of the Humboldt Broncos hockey team and former Lethbridge School Division student, Logan Boulet. The story of their tragic bus crash and organ…
Did you know that last year, 110+ countries participated in Pink Shirt Day? We recognize Pink Shirt Day across the Lethbridge School Division is on Wednesday, February 15th. Throughout the month of February,…
February 1st is Winter Walk Day! Please dress for the weather as we will be taking a walk outside to promote staying healthy and spending time outdoors in the WINTER!
Lethbridge Christian School will be hosting our first ever Family Literacy Night! We will be filling our gym with cool activities for the whole family. Bring your whole family and join us as we explore…