Parking Lot Etiquette

Hello LCS Families!
Please be mindful of parking lot etiquette. Here are some things you can do to help the flow of traffic in our parking lot:
- Please do not park in the handicapped spots unnecessarily.
- Please do not park in the staff parking lot blocking traffic flow before and after school. Use the other lot first, and then stalls in the staff lot if they are available. Do not block traffic.
- Use the parking stalls rather than standing in the lane of traffic.
- Ask students to WALK across the crosswalks, DO NOT RUN.
- Please be mindful that the buses are scheduled to leave at a certain time--yield to the buses.
- Take turns when leaving the parking lots.
- Use the roads around the school if there are no available spots in the parking lot.
Thank you for helping us have a safe environment around our school!